Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Early by one day

See! I always keep my promises.I said write on wed right,but i took the trouble to write 2dae!which is tues!so i was one day early.nothing sepcial.only gt about a few things.

firstly,i went to T1.no not the airport.the other one,tampines one.pack like sardines ( good english) i juz go in buya drink den come out liao.

secondly,i read my 1.. 2..3.. 4.. 5... 6... yes.6 books.THICK BOOKS.all good books.wroten by first 4 is "Rick Riodian" or something.the nxt 2 ar.. is by 5th i forgot coz not popular bt the story is nice la.the last i hope u all know ar,if not i dont know what to sae leh.Eoin Colfer.pronoced as owen colfer i think.

thirdly,which is last(i think).I WANT COMPLAIN.kai jun blogshop hor.Not good de.Boo! only sell clothes.like we are going to wear them 2 school right.which is a place i spend 12hr a day in(if you take away 4 hr)and more than a day on cca days.about 14 hr.
my reflection on her blogshop:
i feel that kai jun's blogshop does not cater to everyone's needs.In the shop.she only sells clothes.What shw should have done is cater to a wider group of people.Like 40.She could do this by selling: games;buble tea;sweets;mints;biscuit;fried rice;hor fan;cha kway tiao;pao;etc etc etc.If i was me.i would 100% comfirm that i would sell mints.

o.. theres one more.I hope mutton can come up with a nice song for MUSICAL TUESDAY.

And who so free help me do a tagbox as requested by kai jun.And lets meet in tnps on someday.You notice that i use the word 'someday'.i mean i wan someone to plan not me.Zu notice i use the word someone.Means i wan a ramdom person.Ok thankyou

p.s i was kidding on kai jun's blogshop being loudsy

p.s.s i was kidding on my p.s

p.s.s sms me for the tnps thingy ar or else shawn bully me sae i nvr go.

Monday, April 6, 2009

In the end...

Kang Yu came.so we choing to jun kang hse coz i wan something from him.He said "NO!!!"i so angry can kik him ar.nvm.so we walked home.den kang yu tell me he can hack.Den he show me by hacking 3d pin ball,u know,the lame game that comes with the com.hack till point 100mil i think.HIGH SCORE.

so i tell him hack pet society,he try for 1h den he... fail... wasted 1hr bt still fail.he saes cant hack coz per society is "sever".excuse de!! den after he went home,i tried.I .... also fail.What to do, sever cannot hack de la.If not sever i comfirm 100% can hack.hack till my coin 1mil ar.happy happy.

In school there was a test.Bio one.its ok lor,gt a few essay question,like red blood cell.talk about things that i blur de.i think the setter can mind read,test the one i dont know,i know dont wan test.So bad right.Talk about haemoglobin , bioconcave etc etc u dont know right.If i dont know u sure dont know one ma.



mayb will post again on wed or something.. 2morrow gt st john training leh... make me cry only.Tears of boredness.haixx

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Test Results

hw long have it been? 1 yr?So my test results juz got out and o my.I scored c6 on chinese.52 marks D= good thing is that there is one A1

Gt the lit play damn funny lor.One person supposed to act as MRS.Parker and wore HIS mom's clothes.laughing till pain sia.many of the boys go and "rape" him.

hope mon kangyu can come my hse