Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Early by one day

See! I always keep my promises.I said write on wed right,but i took the trouble to write 2dae!which is tues!so i was one day early.nothing sepcial.only gt about a few things.

firstly,i went to T1.no not the airport.the other one,tampines one.pack like sardines ( good english) i juz go in buya drink den come out liao.

secondly,i read my 1.. 2..3.. 4.. 5... 6... yes.6 books.THICK BOOKS.all good books.wroten by first 4 is "Rick Riodian" or something.the nxt 2 ar.. is by 5th i forgot coz not popular bt the story is nice la.the last i hope u all know ar,if not i dont know what to sae leh.Eoin Colfer.pronoced as owen colfer i think.

thirdly,which is last(i think).I WANT COMPLAIN.kai jun blogshop hor.Not good de.Boo! only sell clothes.like we are going to wear them 2 school right.which is a place i spend 12hr a day in(if you take away 4 hr)and more than a day on cca days.about 14 hr.
my reflection on her blogshop:
i feel that kai jun's blogshop does not cater to everyone's needs.In the shop.she only sells clothes.What shw should have done is cater to a wider group of people.Like 40.She could do this by selling: games;buble tea;sweets;mints;biscuit;fried rice;hor fan;cha kway tiao;pao;etc etc etc.If i was me.i would 100% comfirm that i would sell mints.

o.. theres one more.I hope mutton can come up with a nice song for MUSICAL TUESDAY.

And who so free help me do a tagbox as requested by kai jun.And lets meet in tnps on someday.You notice that i use the word 'someday'.i mean i wan someone to plan not me.Zu notice i use the word someone.Means i wan a ramdom person.Ok thankyou

p.s i was kidding on kai jun's blogshop being loudsy

p.s.s i was kidding on my p.s

p.s.s sms me for the tnps thingy ar or else shawn bully me sae i nvr go.

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