Friday, October 23, 2009

its been almost 1 week since i returned from batam and its nt as bad as i expected. although i cant choose my room mates. im thankful that the ppl are my classmates.

we were supposed to reach sch at 6.30 am. thus i woke up at 5am+++. when i reached sch at 6.35 am or somewhr there, i was passed with a life jacket. they said that the last 5 people of each class muz carry it. and i was the last. i already had my first regret then. so i was carrying the life jacket like an idoit till the 2nd day in batam.

we then "enjoyed" our really "fun" bus ride to the place whr ship takes off ( i no for plane its airport, is it seaport for ships?).the ship ride was okay, bt i had my second regret. i shld had sat at the sides instead of the centre, only the sides get the feel the wind. bt it was still okay coz i was sleeping to make up for the sleep lost coz i woke up at 5am.

when i woke up, we were already reaching batam. the first thing i noticed when we reached there was that it was raining. i tot that it did nt matter bt the rain made everything worse. firstly , we walked to the resort wearing some disposible raincoats that i felt made me look like an idoit. secondly, we were told to do field cooking and they gave us some white fuel which is like charcol except for the colour. luckily, i was with some people who acutually know hw to light up the thingy. bt the food could be better by 1000000000000 times. although the rain stopped when we reach the beach, the sand was wet so i did nt sit and have to squat while eating.

okay , im feeling that im going on and on so i would juz skip to night time.

when it was night, we were given our rm numbers, i really wanted to go with my friends bt i think that the people i shared a rm with are fine. one of them is my chairman, brandon and the other is sean. well, i feel that im quite lucky to pair up with sean coz i enjoyed his company.

i also realised something, at batam time at 6pm, the sky is like singapore time 8pm. so simply saying, batam sun rises at 5am and sets at 5pm.

the nxt day was dirty bt somewat fun. firstly we had to build a raft that can float. it looked quite good at first , bt once it touched the water, it automatically dismantled on its own. now comming to the dirty part, we did some trecking. they called it "jungle treacking". bt there was no trees, its like grass grass grass grass and the grass is nt even green, its yellow. and theres this mud on the ground which reaches up the the sole, than abit above the slow, den up till the ankle. when it was at the sole, i tried to advoid the places that seems less muddy and i succeded. bt when it reached the ankle, i didnt really care anymore. and my third regret came, the instructers told us to stamp our feets at the place where the mud was at the soles, and i didnt want my shoes to b dirty so i didnt stamp. i regreted that. coz my shoes were going to get dirty anyway and if i knew that the mud would reach my ankle,i would definitly stamp my shoes near the instructers really hard and try to hit the face. den there was this river to cross. it was really tall coz it reached my neck when i was standing up straight. so those shorter ones were weared the lifejackets, finally i could get rid of them.

after that we return to our hotel room to get a bath. we were given 1hr i think. one thing that is really unfair is that we have 3 in a room, while teachers have 2. so after minus-ing the time needed to walk to our room, we only had like 10min per person to bath, and after walking in mud and the river, i think i shld get much much more. and another thing to note is that we are forbidden to take the lift, and my room is on the third floor, while the girls are on the second and 1st floor. i find it irritating as even though they stay on the first and second floors, while we on third, they still take longer than us to get out of their rooms.

after that we went to an orpanage, which i found third most enjoyable. its nt veri dirty and i painted their classrooms. which was quite fun. and i also talked to some of them and realised that only a handfull knew english. i realised that some other people visited them as they knew alot of languages. they knew malay( obvious) some english, little chinese, and a little japanese. although i dont know y one of them said " gong xi fa cai" which is used in chinese new year to wish someone luck in money, i found it funny when my friend said " hong bao na lai" which means asking for money, so when put togeather after translation, its like " wish you luck in money, nw give my my red packet" which seems rude yet funny. den they also said some super simple japanese words like "thank you" and "my name is _ _ _ _ _" i can really go on and on coz we stayed there for like 6 hrs bt i think i will fast forward again.

so after that, we went for our "dinner and dance". i was happy for the dinner bt nt the dance. bt luckily, it was the teachers that did the dancing bt nt us. this is the 2nd most enjoyable thing in the camp. we den went to our room and had our free time till 12am. we wanted to play bolling at first bt we saw that the alley was too crowded and so raihan decided to "jalan jalan" fyi he is nt my room mate. so we were "jalan jalan -ing" all over the resort

after that we decided to stop and go bak to our own rooms. i bought some cup noodles and a can drink and stayed in my room and watched catoon network.i wanted to watch nickolonieon bt i cant find it. den my doorbell rang when i was watching mr. bean . they were my classmates who i think were visiting everybodys room as they stayed for only 5 seconds.

on the third day, we finally get to go home. this is the most enjoyable thing of everything i did. and on the ride home on the ship, i learnt my lesson and decided to sit by the sides, the feeling of the wind on my face was so nice.

so i found that the trip in batam was nt that bad after all, at least, its better den the p5 camp.

so the rest of the days were spent in sch. yea, and for post- exams activities, camped in the hall listening to talks. bt today we had a indian dance which beats staying in the hall. i realiesed that this is the longest post that i have ever written and it took about 1hr to write bt i was playing some games in the meantime. i could really go on and on (this is bout the 3rd time i am using " on and on") bt this post is too long and my life is so boring that if i go into the details, you would definately fall alseep on ur computer and waste electricity. mabye i will write again in a week's time bt i said mabye.

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