Saturday, November 28, 2009

said ill edit bt decided to have a new post because it will make my blog seem longer. i mean, this is only my 14th post you know. and this blog have been opened since the start of the year, so its like 1 post a month, but more.

yea so continuing from the last post. so when i came back to singapore, it was already 11pm. then i looked at my handphone. theres 3 sms all telling me to go for the ipw thingy on the next day. so i had no choice but to go. they forced me to use my ez link card to borrow books. and i seriously regreted nt going to the libary so they could not use my ez link card. i may seem evil bt im quite sure that they wont return on time. and i will have to pay $$. really hate this part so will skip.

than i saw xiang tian. haha he was at the libary. so we decided to go his hse after lunch. it was seriously boring. luckily , yat hong called me. he remembered that i came bak from taiwan and called me to go to his hse the nxt day.

yea so i went to his hse both on fri and monday. coz 1 day was nt enough. skipping this cause it would take veri veri long.

so theres the st john flag day. u noe the one where u carry a tin and beg people for $? yea i only got half a can filled.

okay, nws my favrioute part. its about the upcomming st john camp. no im nt looking forward to it coz my senior says its very tough. i juz like to comment about this kind of stuff. yea so once i heard it was at school, i already knew it would nt be good. den they said that there would be a promotion test. and i really did not need the stress. and then they said that every body things muz be the same. from the water bottle(like the same brand) to a cup ( same colour). i mean , theres 30+ of us and hw do they expect me to noe the other class students telephone number. i mean, do you noe the number of the people in different schools? its the same thing. than i saw fruits. i tot that they were going to supply us with food. and then, i hope we sleep in the aircon room. yea thats the only thing im looking forward to. lastly, i check the weather report and it says that its going to be raining from nov 30 to dec 3. and my camp on 1dec to dec 3. haha. that just means no foot drill. coz if there is, then they are very cruel. because the rain will stop on dec 4, it means that its fated to have not foot drill. yea so thats all, nxt post will be after the camp hopefully

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