Sunday, December 6, 2009

Its been a week or two since I last posted. The camp was tough, but not unbearable. So there's a lot of stuff in the camp. So I will have to organise it. If you realised, so far, I've been using English to write. It is because it is my " write good English" day. Actually, there's no such day but I feel like writing good English for now.

Day 1:
- Reached the school early in the morning
- There was this programme called "Fatigue". I thought it is a rest time. But, it is a time were you need to pour everything out of your bag so that 'they' can check for prohibited items.
- Lunch. There was too much rice. But, I still managed to finish it. And it was dry too.
- Dinner. Same as lunch
- Sleep. Lights off at 12pm but apparently it was not enough as we got scolded for not switching off the lights.
Bunk. Slept with 1 secondary 3. 2 secondary 2. and 3 secondary 1. Slept under the fan because I thought it would be hot. My plan backfired. I woke up at 3 in the morning just to shiver.

Day 2:
- Breakfast was "Bee Hoon" Still too dry.

- Lunch was field cooking. Probably the best meal ever in the camp. Ate noodles, spaghetti, red beans, and black pepper noodles. Noodles was instant noodles. Added hot dogs to it too. It tasted great. Successfully got a spoon of sauce/soup from the spaghetti. Sauce/soup was actually made from Canbell Mushroom Soup. Black pepper was basically, instant noodles with black pepper. Pretty obvious huh. All 3 tasted great.

- Promotion test. There was 2 section for this foot drill and medical stuff. Foot drill was easy as it was only turning. The medical test is about someone falling from a tree and hurting his arm. I could not comprehend why a person in Secondary 4 who taken the O levels would be playing in a tree, there's such thing called the internet. There were 3 other people playing in the tree. 2 Secondary 4 and 1 Secondary 3. Luckily for me, I chose the right person to treat, there were 4 people in a 'team'. And each of us decided to take one patient each. So the patient whom I 'chose' was actually forced on me because he is the last patient. And he is the only patient to not faint, the other 3 all fainted. It appears that my patient had a fractu re. So I bandaged him. After bandaging him, there was still like 3 minutes + till time end so I decided to stone.

- The ranks presentation. Seriously I though I was going to fail because I stoned. However I passed. I even rank up. And now I am a Lance Corporal.

- Lights off. We did not get scolded because we switched off the lights early. Apparently, I didn't learn my lesson. I slept under the fan again.

Day 3:
- Is the day from freedom. The last day of the camp. I saw a 'Fatigue' on the camp time-table. Luckily, it just means pack up.

And that's the end of the camp.

There was also this Zone presentation a few days after the camp. I thought it was like going to be us 'showing off' our 'skills' to the entire Zone 10. And they told me to wear the full uniform too. I was already thinking of excuses till someone told me if I didn't go I would have to pay $40 because they had already bought the food.

I was thinking to myself. "$40!? What food cost that much. Shark fin?!" Lo and behold, there was shark fin. Not only that, but there is still prawns, and other expensive items. Basically, I went all the way to Lavender just to eat. And that's all, for now. Will post when there is new events.

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