Monday, December 21, 2009

Havent posted in 2 weeks? In this 2 weeks nothing happened. But the holidays are ending and I still have a huge number of work i have not done yet.

I have:

- 4 internet quizzes. Its on Ask N Learn. Basically it is the secondary version of lead.

- 1 History essay to write about the Japanese Occupation. Which I have to write 500 words. Which I think is pretty impossible. I'm counting on the point that the teacher will not count the words.

- 1 Geog paper. Normal test like paper. 20 Marks

- 1 Geog project that I have already done but dont think its complete
- 1 Math Paper which consist of 100 questions. 20 pages thick.

Really wondering how I can finish these in 10 days.

I've been spending my time on Farmer Story. Its really fun. Because its MapleStory. Private server. Theres both job and occupation. Example of job is mage and thief. Examples of occupation are nx whore and suckup.

I really like how the admin of FarmerStory give the explanation of the occupation "SuckUp"

Suck Up is a job that sucks. Literally. From your *ahem*.

And the last thing. Today, I realized playing with bubbles is fun. I was washing my hands when a bubble appeared. So I decided to make more bubbles. Did this with soap. I blew one really big. And it did not burst. So I tried to breath from it. You know, like those cartoons. Where the character make a air bubble and go underwater with it. Using the bubble as an oxygen tank. I tried it. And it slowly became smaller and smaller. And then it disappeared. There are 2 bad things from this. Firstly, even with the size of the bubble that I made. It only lasted for 5 seconds. Secondly, after about 20 minutes of trying this. I can smell soap in my mouth. So its like 5 seconds of breathing from it. You will smell soap for 20 minutes. But it's so fun!

School is reopening and I wish that I get new teachers and transfer students.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Its been a week or two since I last posted. The camp was tough, but not unbearable. So there's a lot of stuff in the camp. So I will have to organise it. If you realised, so far, I've been using English to write. It is because it is my " write good English" day. Actually, there's no such day but I feel like writing good English for now.

Day 1:
- Reached the school early in the morning
- There was this programme called "Fatigue". I thought it is a rest time. But, it is a time were you need to pour everything out of your bag so that 'they' can check for prohibited items.
- Lunch. There was too much rice. But, I still managed to finish it. And it was dry too.
- Dinner. Same as lunch
- Sleep. Lights off at 12pm but apparently it was not enough as we got scolded for not switching off the lights.
Bunk. Slept with 1 secondary 3. 2 secondary 2. and 3 secondary 1. Slept under the fan because I thought it would be hot. My plan backfired. I woke up at 3 in the morning just to shiver.

Day 2:
- Breakfast was "Bee Hoon" Still too dry.

- Lunch was field cooking. Probably the best meal ever in the camp. Ate noodles, spaghetti, red beans, and black pepper noodles. Noodles was instant noodles. Added hot dogs to it too. It tasted great. Successfully got a spoon of sauce/soup from the spaghetti. Sauce/soup was actually made from Canbell Mushroom Soup. Black pepper was basically, instant noodles with black pepper. Pretty obvious huh. All 3 tasted great.

- Promotion test. There was 2 section for this foot drill and medical stuff. Foot drill was easy as it was only turning. The medical test is about someone falling from a tree and hurting his arm. I could not comprehend why a person in Secondary 4 who taken the O levels would be playing in a tree, there's such thing called the internet. There were 3 other people playing in the tree. 2 Secondary 4 and 1 Secondary 3. Luckily for me, I chose the right person to treat, there were 4 people in a 'team'. And each of us decided to take one patient each. So the patient whom I 'chose' was actually forced on me because he is the last patient. And he is the only patient to not faint, the other 3 all fainted. It appears that my patient had a fractu re. So I bandaged him. After bandaging him, there was still like 3 minutes + till time end so I decided to stone.

- The ranks presentation. Seriously I though I was going to fail because I stoned. However I passed. I even rank up. And now I am a Lance Corporal.

- Lights off. We did not get scolded because we switched off the lights early. Apparently, I didn't learn my lesson. I slept under the fan again.

Day 3:
- Is the day from freedom. The last day of the camp. I saw a 'Fatigue' on the camp time-table. Luckily, it just means pack up.

And that's the end of the camp.

There was also this Zone presentation a few days after the camp. I thought it was like going to be us 'showing off' our 'skills' to the entire Zone 10. And they told me to wear the full uniform too. I was already thinking of excuses till someone told me if I didn't go I would have to pay $40 because they had already bought the food.

I was thinking to myself. "$40!? What food cost that much. Shark fin?!" Lo and behold, there was shark fin. Not only that, but there is still prawns, and other expensive items. Basically, I went all the way to Lavender just to eat. And that's all, for now. Will post when there is new events.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

said ill edit bt decided to have a new post because it will make my blog seem longer. i mean, this is only my 14th post you know. and this blog have been opened since the start of the year, so its like 1 post a month, but more.

yea so continuing from the last post. so when i came back to singapore, it was already 11pm. then i looked at my handphone. theres 3 sms all telling me to go for the ipw thingy on the next day. so i had no choice but to go. they forced me to use my ez link card to borrow books. and i seriously regreted nt going to the libary so they could not use my ez link card. i may seem evil bt im quite sure that they wont return on time. and i will have to pay $$. really hate this part so will skip.

than i saw xiang tian. haha he was at the libary. so we decided to go his hse after lunch. it was seriously boring. luckily , yat hong called me. he remembered that i came bak from taiwan and called me to go to his hse the nxt day.

yea so i went to his hse both on fri and monday. coz 1 day was nt enough. skipping this cause it would take veri veri long.

so theres the st john flag day. u noe the one where u carry a tin and beg people for $? yea i only got half a can filled.

okay, nws my favrioute part. its about the upcomming st john camp. no im nt looking forward to it coz my senior says its very tough. i juz like to comment about this kind of stuff. yea so once i heard it was at school, i already knew it would nt be good. den they said that there would be a promotion test. and i really did not need the stress. and then they said that every body things muz be the same. from the water bottle(like the same brand) to a cup ( same colour). i mean , theres 30+ of us and hw do they expect me to noe the other class students telephone number. i mean, do you noe the number of the people in different schools? its the same thing. than i saw fruits. i tot that they were going to supply us with food. and then, i hope we sleep in the aircon room. yea thats the only thing im looking forward to. lastly, i check the weather report and it says that its going to be raining from nov 30 to dec 3. and my camp on 1dec to dec 3. haha. that just means no foot drill. coz if there is, then they are very cruel. because the rain will stop on dec 4, it means that its fated to have not foot drill. yea so thats all, nxt post will be after the camp hopefully

Sunday, November 22, 2009

im sure its been more than a week. anyways, ive always been saying to myself, mabye 2morrow i will post, bt it never happened. so today i decided to post. its 10.48 am and i have no idea why im waking up so early. normally im still on my bed at 11am. as ive never post for a month(?). im quite sure that this post is quite long. you have been warned. so dont blame me if u fall asleep and waste electricity.

so continuing from the return of the batam trip. after the indian dance thingy. we had interclass sports.yay. i was given basketball and soccer. bt for some reason, i sort of dont wan to play soccer and i didnt. so i juz played basketball. now this is really weird coz if i remeber correctly, i used to love playing soccer and not basketball, bt nw its the opposite. bt we lost in the end. and that is very sad. the score was 2 games to 1. bt at least we won 1. and coz i lost so i wont go in to details.

on the last day of school, i was expecting some party. coz in tnps , there are parties for the last day of school. bt in the end, we cleaned the classroom in the "use your hand" thingy. during it , there was too much water on my table, so i swept it to the nxt, and den she swept it back to me and it goes on and on. finally i decided to sweep it on the floor. nxt, i used some newspaper to dry my own table. (who cares about the floor.) bt after that, i realised that my table smelled like newspaper. bt i left it as i was nt going to use it again. so than we cleaned the walls blah blah blah.

if i remebered correctly, i went to someones house or someone went to my house. bt this is nt important.

and now we skip to the holidays woohoo. i went to taipei woohoo. it was nt that cold, mayb like an aircon at max. and it has been so long that i forgotton what i did. bt i remebered i went to taipei 101 and went up. it was really high and the lift went up so fast that it only takes 37 sec to reach. and i also remebered that i ate some ice with strawberry on to of it. something like ice kachang. the hotel was quite nice. once i stepped in the room, i dashed to the toliet, nt becoz i want to use it bt the toliet is like the most important thing in the room. and its very nice. firstly its very well decorated. secondly , the layout is good. and lastly, the toliet seat is heated. so its so comfortable. the bad part of the trip is that my lips cracked and is still cracked now. the plane ride was nt bad too coz i got to watch movies on it.

will edit this later coz im busy nw.

Friday, October 23, 2009

its been almost 1 week since i returned from batam and its nt as bad as i expected. although i cant choose my room mates. im thankful that the ppl are my classmates.

we were supposed to reach sch at 6.30 am. thus i woke up at 5am+++. when i reached sch at 6.35 am or somewhr there, i was passed with a life jacket. they said that the last 5 people of each class muz carry it. and i was the last. i already had my first regret then. so i was carrying the life jacket like an idoit till the 2nd day in batam.

we then "enjoyed" our really "fun" bus ride to the place whr ship takes off ( i no for plane its airport, is it seaport for ships?).the ship ride was okay, bt i had my second regret. i shld had sat at the sides instead of the centre, only the sides get the feel the wind. bt it was still okay coz i was sleeping to make up for the sleep lost coz i woke up at 5am.

when i woke up, we were already reaching batam. the first thing i noticed when we reached there was that it was raining. i tot that it did nt matter bt the rain made everything worse. firstly , we walked to the resort wearing some disposible raincoats that i felt made me look like an idoit. secondly, we were told to do field cooking and they gave us some white fuel which is like charcol except for the colour. luckily, i was with some people who acutually know hw to light up the thingy. bt the food could be better by 1000000000000 times. although the rain stopped when we reach the beach, the sand was wet so i did nt sit and have to squat while eating.

okay , im feeling that im going on and on so i would juz skip to night time.

when it was night, we were given our rm numbers, i really wanted to go with my friends bt i think that the people i shared a rm with are fine. one of them is my chairman, brandon and the other is sean. well, i feel that im quite lucky to pair up with sean coz i enjoyed his company.

i also realised something, at batam time at 6pm, the sky is like singapore time 8pm. so simply saying, batam sun rises at 5am and sets at 5pm.

the nxt day was dirty bt somewat fun. firstly we had to build a raft that can float. it looked quite good at first , bt once it touched the water, it automatically dismantled on its own. now comming to the dirty part, we did some trecking. they called it "jungle treacking". bt there was no trees, its like grass grass grass grass and the grass is nt even green, its yellow. and theres this mud on the ground which reaches up the the sole, than abit above the slow, den up till the ankle. when it was at the sole, i tried to advoid the places that seems less muddy and i succeded. bt when it reached the ankle, i didnt really care anymore. and my third regret came, the instructers told us to stamp our feets at the place where the mud was at the soles, and i didnt want my shoes to b dirty so i didnt stamp. i regreted that. coz my shoes were going to get dirty anyway and if i knew that the mud would reach my ankle,i would definitly stamp my shoes near the instructers really hard and try to hit the face. den there was this river to cross. it was really tall coz it reached my neck when i was standing up straight. so those shorter ones were weared the lifejackets, finally i could get rid of them.

after that we return to our hotel room to get a bath. we were given 1hr i think. one thing that is really unfair is that we have 3 in a room, while teachers have 2. so after minus-ing the time needed to walk to our room, we only had like 10min per person to bath, and after walking in mud and the river, i think i shld get much much more. and another thing to note is that we are forbidden to take the lift, and my room is on the third floor, while the girls are on the second and 1st floor. i find it irritating as even though they stay on the first and second floors, while we on third, they still take longer than us to get out of their rooms.

after that we went to an orpanage, which i found third most enjoyable. its nt veri dirty and i painted their classrooms. which was quite fun. and i also talked to some of them and realised that only a handfull knew english. i realised that some other people visited them as they knew alot of languages. they knew malay( obvious) some english, little chinese, and a little japanese. although i dont know y one of them said " gong xi fa cai" which is used in chinese new year to wish someone luck in money, i found it funny when my friend said " hong bao na lai" which means asking for money, so when put togeather after translation, its like " wish you luck in money, nw give my my red packet" which seems rude yet funny. den they also said some super simple japanese words like "thank you" and "my name is _ _ _ _ _" i can really go on and on coz we stayed there for like 6 hrs bt i think i will fast forward again.

so after that, we went for our "dinner and dance". i was happy for the dinner bt nt the dance. bt luckily, it was the teachers that did the dancing bt nt us. this is the 2nd most enjoyable thing in the camp. we den went to our room and had our free time till 12am. we wanted to play bolling at first bt we saw that the alley was too crowded and so raihan decided to "jalan jalan" fyi he is nt my room mate. so we were "jalan jalan -ing" all over the resort

after that we decided to stop and go bak to our own rooms. i bought some cup noodles and a can drink and stayed in my room and watched catoon network.i wanted to watch nickolonieon bt i cant find it. den my doorbell rang when i was watching mr. bean . they were my classmates who i think were visiting everybodys room as they stayed for only 5 seconds.

on the third day, we finally get to go home. this is the most enjoyable thing of everything i did. and on the ride home on the ship, i learnt my lesson and decided to sit by the sides, the feeling of the wind on my face was so nice.

so i found that the trip in batam was nt that bad after all, at least, its better den the p5 camp.

so the rest of the days were spent in sch. yea, and for post- exams activities, camped in the hall listening to talks. bt today we had a indian dance which beats staying in the hall. i realiesed that this is the longest post that i have ever written and it took about 1hr to write bt i was playing some games in the meantime. i could really go on and on (this is bout the 3rd time i am using " on and on") bt this post is too long and my life is so boring that if i go into the details, you would definately fall alseep on ur computer and waste electricity. mabye i will write again in a week's time bt i said mabye.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Having camp in batam 2morrow. and to tell the truth, im nt really excited for it. reason is, i cant choose my room-mate. so we did this personality quiz and i will get paired up with some ramdom ppl. and the second reason is that, ive been to the P5 camp and i know wat camp is like.

The school says we are going to stay in " Harris", a 4 star resort. bt still, a 4 star resort is like a 2 star hotel. and they give us scheduel saying that we nid to wake up at 6.30. thats too early for me coz the scheduel says sleep at 11pm-12am. so its like only 7hrs of sleep. I nid my 8 hours of sleep.

The sch also dont allow us to bring cards, eletronic games, and some other stuff. bt i think some people are going to bring it anyways. and we are going to batam on a ship. y cant it be a airplane, singapore airlines mabye? so to make a long story short, im nt excited.

Oh yea, grats to those who finished exams and gd luk to those who havent

P.S :i havent pack my bag

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Finally the exams are over. Well, they ended at thur bt i wanted to play games and thus have no time for this. and we have marking day on friday so theres no sch =D

So on friday xiang tian came to my hse. nothing to write here coz nothing interesting. we juz played cards and computer and etc etc etc.

on sat, my sister asked me to buy 3 of the $1 thingy. u know the u put $1 and turn and something drops out? yea so after i placed the third coin and the 3rd capsule came out, i decided to turn it again since it was fun. and to my surprise 1 more came out. so its like buy 3 get 1 free.The thingy my sister asked me to buy was like some kind of slime. i think it is liquid. its like when u see it, it looks like liquid, when u touch it, the liquid dont stick to ur hand. and theres no definate shape. so i think its a liquid.

den 2dae i went to buy some @cash for getamped. i used the @cash to buy a lottery ticket which i won a "M-recycle Bag". and its totally useless. it juz allows u to hold alot of item at one time. and den u can combine them 2geather for a mor useless item. i stop this subject coz i feel so scammed.

some of my classmate says "aiya exam over so boring, nothing to do". WDF , i love it when exams are over. BORING?? of course you play the computer or go out. do they really prefer exam time? when u have to study. we shld relex now. play computer play psp play everything. juz play and nvr stop. theres nothing boring about the end of exams.

yea so thats all, and i think my sch is the only one who exam over. so to those who still have exams gd luk =D

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

so sry i nvr post yesterday. w8 a minute, why am i saying sry. u shld be happy that a vip like me is posting bout my life u know. ehh, am i talking to myself???

i forgt bout yesterday paper. so i'll write bout 2dae one then. we had history. and the paper was so hard. no not hard as in cannot bend. bt difficult. all the things i study nvr come out. nvr study come out. I think the sch placed a spy on me so that they could make a paper based on things i did not study. thats so unfair.

and theres nothing fun bout 2dae other den the fact that i get out of sch at 10am. yea bt thats all. yea so ill post again bout exams. and i think that i am addicted to blog? bt mabye i juz wan to complain and what better way to complain then here.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

yea, it seems pretty clear that i am one of those blog addicts. posting everyday huh. dont even know why i am posting this, for the fun mabye. yea so 2day i had english compre in the morning and maths paper 2 in the, well, morning. but one is before recess and the other is after

so there we TWO passages. no we are nt supposed to pick one. we are supposed to do both... additionally, the passages were about spiders you know. so its plain boring. i mean both of them were all about spiders. its almost like doing science and science have a super power that can make me sleep. a power even science havent for out how science did it.

And i was thinking, what if someone had a fear of spiders. it would be like "so lets see the compre is about wat AHHHH SPIDERS!!!! " thats fear-cist. then the poor guy will get a F . but there are nobody shouting so i guess my class is immue to spiders. and for people wondering what the phobia is called. it is iamscaredofspidersasiwillhaveareasontofailexamsphobia. and it is pronounced as i-am-scared-of-spiders-as-i-will-have-a-reason-to-fail-exams-phobia.

and after that was maths u know. and it was quite hard. mabye not that but there were some blanks on my answer sheet and i was doing till the last second coz the teacher say " ok put down your pens" and 1 sec later " write your name" . so... no pens write with wat?

yea so will write again 2morrow

Monday, September 28, 2009

Seems like i am going to post every exam day about the paper. I think i am beginning to be like those blog addicts. you know,the one that post everyday? so today i had geography and english compo. the topic is "a kind stranger" or something. geo was quite easy as i had group study on sunday with adam etc etc etc

talking about the group study. i accutually nvr study. i only listened to them talk and asking each other questions about geo stuff and most of them came out for the exams. After about 1hr of listening to them i had a headache. A reason to not study. After a lot of studying, we went to play acarde as adam say you must "relax". Mabye i'll write again 2morrow

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Sad the end year exams are on monday. i know i shld study bt i dont feel like studying. And this week is really boring. The past few too... Its nothing but the same stuff. Same routine. I did get a "new" phone coz my old one spoiled. Bt its nt new, my sister used it in the pass. but she's real good at taking care of things and it looks brand new.

i feel that the teachers are slacking you know. I mean, its the end of year exams, but yet, theres so little homework. bak in primary school, theres millions of practice papers to do. And i can feel a sense of " i already studied" and can relax. but now theres no homework and i feel so ermm weird for not having homework. its a mixture of fear and nerves. but hey, i juz wanna go to 2e3 next year. i hope that this wish can come true without hardwork.

O yea, i was talking to shi en and kang yu yesterdae. Shi en scammed me.. she make me think that she angry with me den kang yu tell me sae sry den i sae lor. den she was like "hahaha i bluff you one".

yea so i wont write until the end of the exams. even though i will be using the computer. Mabye i would write during the exams but i dont know. depends on my mood. i feel that this post really suked coz there was not anything funny about kang yu that I could write.hope the nxt post will have stuff bout kang yu.

Friday, September 4, 2009

so yea. mon gt teacher days lor.den my sch no hab concert. still gt aces day sia. bt lucky gt party leh. i pity the malays lor muz fast. Den we play sme games like wat u call that? the one whr u pass the thing around lor,den music stop den too bad. lucky i nvr get chosen sia. you know wat kind of punishment they give anot. muz dance etc etc etc. lol they sabo the teacher la, make the music stop at them.

Den after that i go to tnps. saw classmates. den teachers den you know la. i reach at 12pm. most ppl reach at 1pm++ lor.made me w8 so long. den after that me and kang yu buy bubble tea. den we walk to playground lor.den see jaslin,hui yi etc etc etc. den kang yu try to ride bicycle.hahaha.he dont know lol.okok he knows bt he ride veri lanly.

lanly= lan(sae with force),noob

den 2dae my class gt excursion bt veri sianx.coz its go to ngee an poly.den gt alot of like,inventions booth. is students make one la. gt wat cut papaya one, hold 100000 books one, ice cream holder one etc etc etc.Den i sae this girl ar,i ask she primary wat,she sae 5. xiang tian shorter den her sia.den somemor, when we looking at a umberllear holder booth,the person ask xiang tian "u primary sch ar?" den he walk off. other den this, the excursion veri sianx. den the bus ride my classmates so nosiy lor. one person play song A. one person play song B.den gt play song C.all at same time sia.its like "u spin my mama do used to be love drunk" make no sense sia.

may write again if i have the time. coz ky force me write this one den i write one.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

National Days

Its like.. it is 4 mths since i last typed here.In fact,im typing here to tell you things you already know.coz im gonna tell you about national day.u knw the 9th august.Sad that i didnt have the tickets to go there.I had to watch it on tv.yea so the national daes like a chapter 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 etc etc etc chapter 1 and 2 veri funny case u 4got,chap 1 is the sang nila utama.Lols la,the lion is the courtersy campain one.

den chap 2 is the terrorist attack one.the gt the "news reporter".

den later alot of marching.

den 8.22 the sacred u know,when they to the plege,my clock says 8.28. anyone said the plege?

yea so on friday,everybody had half dae right?den i wear red my whole class wear.den after sch i meet ky.den we go tnps bt close(u all also nt there one).den i dont know y ky walk around the whole sch(the out side).Den he walk to my hse i folo.den he walk to my grandmother hse.I tell him sit bus he dont wan so walk.Den rain den ky sit at the void deck there.I tell him go my hse he dont wan.aiyo smething wrng with him la.

den on friday,no nt 7th,bt the 14th,i going yat hong hse coz his birthday.anyone can spare me money buy presents?bt i nt sure if i free to go anot.

yea so this is the end.

Happy Birthday Singapore(mabye its too late coz 2dae is 10th)!! =D

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Early by one day

See! I always keep my promises.I said write on wed right,but i took the trouble to write 2dae!which is tues!so i was one day early.nothing sepcial.only gt about a few things.

firstly,i went to not the airport.the other one,tampines one.pack like sardines ( good english) i juz go in buya drink den come out liao.

secondly,i read my 1.. 2..3.. 4.. 5... 6... yes.6 books.THICK BOOKS.all good books.wroten by first 4 is "Rick Riodian" or something.the nxt 2 ar.. is by 5th i forgot coz not popular bt the story is nice la.the last i hope u all know ar,if not i dont know what to sae leh.Eoin Colfer.pronoced as owen colfer i think.

thirdly,which is last(i think).I WANT COMPLAIN.kai jun blogshop hor.Not good de.Boo! only sell we are going to wear them 2 school right.which is a place i spend 12hr a day in(if you take away 4 hr)and more than a day on cca days.about 14 hr.
my reflection on her blogshop:
i feel that kai jun's blogshop does not cater to everyone's needs.In the shop.she only sells clothes.What shw should have done is cater to a wider group of people.Like 40.She could do this by selling: games;buble tea;sweets;mints;biscuit;fried rice;hor fan;cha kway tiao;pao;etc etc etc.If i was me.i would 100% comfirm that i would sell mints.

o.. theres one more.I hope mutton can come up with a nice song for MUSICAL TUESDAY.

And who so free help me do a tagbox as requested by kai jun.And lets meet in tnps on someday.You notice that i use the word 'someday'.i mean i wan someone to plan not me.Zu notice i use the word someone.Means i wan a ramdom person.Ok thankyou

p.s i was kidding on kai jun's blogshop being loudsy

p.s.s i was kidding on my p.s

p.s.s sms me for the tnps thingy ar or else shawn bully me sae i nvr go.

Monday, April 6, 2009

In the end...

Kang Yu we choing to jun kang hse coz i wan something from him.He said "NO!!!"i so angry can kik him we walked home.den kang yu tell me he can hack.Den he show me by hacking 3d pin ball,u know,the lame game that comes with the com.hack till point 100mil i think.HIGH SCORE.

so i tell him hack pet society,he try for 1h den he... fail... wasted 1hr bt still fail.he saes cant hack coz per society is "sever".excuse de!! den after he went home,i tried.I .... also fail.What to do, sever cannot hack de la.If not sever i comfirm 100% can hack.hack till my coin 1mil ar.happy happy.

In school there was a test.Bio one.its ok lor,gt a few essay question,like red blood about things that i blur de.i think the setter can mind read,test the one i dont know,i know dont wan test.So bad right.Talk about haemoglobin , bioconcave etc etc u dont know right.If i dont know u sure dont know one ma.



mayb will post again on wed or something.. 2morrow gt st john training leh... make me cry only.Tears of boredness.haixx

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Test Results

hw long have it been? 1 yr?So my test results juz got out and o my.I scored c6 on chinese.52 marks D= good thing is that there is one A1

Gt the lit play damn funny lor.One person supposed to act as MRS.Parker and wore HIS mom's clothes.laughing till pain sia.many of the boys go and "rape" him.

hope mon kangyu can come my hse